22 July 2024

Congratulations to a Dr Roman Lyubimenko for winning the Sparkasse Environmental Award yesterday!
Laudation Sparkassen Umweltpreis 2023: As the supervision team Turshatov-Richards-Schäfer it is a great pleasure to introduce this year's 2023 Sparkassen Environmental Award Laureate, Dr Roman Lyubimenko.
His research into membrane photocatalysis provided critical insights that will help shape promising methods for producing safe drinking water for everyday use.

2 July 2024

Happy birthday to Professor Ora Kedem – 100 years today! What a most inspirational woman:

In 1974 Ora Kedem founded the Membrane Department at the Weizmann Institute, nearly 50 years before IAMT was founded. The Nanofiltration books has been dedicated to Ora Kedem and it is a pleasure to know Ora Kedem. Greetings with a special rose with wishes for continuing good health: the glowing Marie Curie variety!

26 June 2024

We had the pleasure of hosting students from Schuldorf Bergstraße Community School in Seeheim-Jugenheim, involved in the "Jugend forscht MakerLab" project. The guests were hosted by Dr. Martyna Krajewska. Young scientists wanted to explore the photodegradation of steroid hormones in water. Thank you for this inspiring meeting and discussion. Good luck in the competition and your future scientific career!

24 June 2024

The RealMethod is a collaboration project that focuses on the remediation of fouling in MBR (Prof. Katsuki Kimura, Hokkaido University, Japan), membrane fabrication (Prof. Ismail Koyuncu, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey), micropollutant removal (Prof. Andrea Schäfer, KIT-IAMT, Germany), and data analysis (Prof. Benoit Teychene, University of Poitiers, France). During the project timeline, filtration protocols, and real water samples were shared with each partner. IAMT is hosting a strategic workshop on the topic of membrane technology. The goal of the workshop is for invited attendees to discuss on the RealMethod Project, address the underlying scientific and engineering challenges in membrane technology and look towards continuing collaboration.

11 June 2024

Our advisory board member, Prof. How Yong Ng from National University of Singapore visited IAMT and gave a seminar about "How water reuse and AI can achieve water security and carbon footprint reduction in a rapidly changing climate?". We are happy to welcome him with a very interesting talk and discussion.

6 June 2024

Welcome to our new OCPC fellows. Dr Yike Meng will work on electrodialysis for micropollutant removal, and Dr Jia Xie also join us bringing his own materials for membrane photo- and electrocatalysis and will be working with Dr. Liu. Looking forward for your exciting work in IAMT.

20-24 May 2024

The University of Dar es Salaam hosted a 3-day DFG workshop on the topic Performance enhancement of solar-driven photocatalytic materials for water treatment (SolPhoWat) in Arusha, Tanzania. The workshop aimed to update the research progress and discuss future collaboration with the partners in University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) and University of Pretoria (UP).

23 March - 5 April 2024

A field trip to Ghana was conducted in March and April of 2024. Water samples were collected in different regions in Ghana. The field trip team also met collaborators at the Regional Water and Environmental Sanitation Centre Kumasi (RWESCK) Centre of Excellence, KNUST, Ghana.


18-19 March 2024

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – represented by Prof. Andrea Schäfer (IAMT) and Prof. Bryce Richards (IMT) – hosted an invite-only 24-hour DFG workshop on the topic of photocatalytic membrane (PCM) reactors. Photocatalytic Membrane Reactors for Drinking Water Treatment: Strategy Workshop discussed about inorganic photocatalysts (PC) vs. organic photosensitizers, polymeric membranes vs. inorganic membranes, ROS generation...

15 February 2024

Congrats to Alejandro Villafruela Martínez for the successful presentation of his master thesis under the supervision of Dr Youssef Amine Boussouga.


Akhil Gopalakrishnan, IAMT

Happy new year 2024!

On of our highlights this year was the visit of our members of parliament Cem Özdemir and Christian Kühn and the earth & environment cake make for this occasion by Moana. It has been great to get such genuine interest in our work by politicians following an article that featured our micropollutant removal technologies. The world needs compassion and peace, and a genuine effort of all global citizens together to take care of our beautiful planet.

More on the visit: (link PDF)


21 December 2023

Congrats to Mohammed Basith for the successful presentation of his master thesis under the supervision of Dr Siqi Liu.


18 December 2023

Congratulations to Roman Lyubimenko for winning the Sparkassen Umweltpreis worth €5000. Super well done for a great thesis , and well deserved after scoring close second for the DGMT prize earlier.

14 December 2023

Congrats to Miriam Urbansky for the successful presentation of her bachelor thesis. She has spent 6 months in Jerusalem with Prof Daniel Mandler with the Young Science and Engineering Researchers Program (YSEP) BMBF-MOST water technology cooperation scholarship.

Andreas Bramsiepe, KIT

9 December 2023

In their role as members of the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group, Cem Özdemir, Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, and Christian Kühn, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, visited IAMT, KIT on Saturday, November 25, 2023 to find out about water treatment technologies, in particular the removal of micropollutants.

For more information (in PDF,and on KIT intranet).

30 November 2023

Congratulation to Francis Adu-Boahene for his success with a KAAD PhD scholarship.

Issuer: KAAD
Duration: 01.12.2023 - 30.06.2026

17 July 2023

RealMethod workshop was held by Prof. Katsuki Kimura in Sapporo (Japan) in 17 July 2023 for project discussion with the fund of RealMethod. The workshop was the result of the collaboration between IAMT and RealMethod partners (Hokkaido University, University of Poitiers and Istanbul Technical University) about membrane technology application and fouling remediation.

19 April 2023

Congrats to Rebat Karki for the successful presentation of his master thesis under the supervision of Dr Alessandra Imbrogno and Hanya Lin.

Miriam Urbansky from Israel

28 March 2023


Congrats to Miriam Urbansky for winning a Young Science and Engineering Researchers Program (YSEP) BMBF-MOST water technology cooperation scholarship to spend 6 months in Jerusalem with Prof Daniel Mandler, starting next week.

Siqi Liu

1 March 2023


The special issue of npj clean water "Nanofiltration in the Global Water Cycle" is open for submission. Click here for more details.

Submission deadline: 31 July 2023

4 Dec 2022


Happy 95th Birthday to Miriam Balaban. It has been such a pleasure to see you at nearly every conference I went to this year Miriam- including your own in Las Palmas. And one meeting tops the next, at Euromembrane Miriam was the only member of the Israeli delegation who danced, with very Italian temperament! Looking forward to much more, stay strong and healthy and all the best!


29 November 2022

Congratulations to Dr Roman Lyubimenko for his successful PhD defense. Outstanding and well published work supervised in close collaboration with Dr Andrey Turshatov and Prof Bryce Richards at IMT, and evaluated by Prof Frank-Dieter Kopinke from UFZ Leipzig this is a brilliant example not only of excellent engineering research but also interdisciplinary collaboration. Much more needed to challenge institutional and disciplinary pre-conceptions and barriers. Thank you Roman for your lasting and important contributions to IAMT and all the best for your career!


24 November 2022

Congrats to Minh Nguyen for the EMS PhD Students Award

20-24 November 2022


Team IAMT at Euromembrane in Sorrento, Italy. A keynote and 8 orals is a new record – great effort and lots of fun to meet the membrane family again for the 40th anniversary of the European Membrane Society!

10 November 2022

Congrats to Moritz Rettenmayr for the successful presentation of his master thesis under the supervision of Dr Youssef-Amine Boussouga.

31 October 2022


We are saying thank you to Zhi-Fu Lin (Elvis) who spent 11 months with us on a DAAD-MOST collaborative project with Prof Ruey-An Doong from Institute of Analytical and Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. It has been a pleasure to have in-depth ‘band gap’ discussions and teach membrane process engineering, we are looking forward to working on the results together and host Prof Doong for a seminar 25 Nov. All the best for the rest of your PhD Elvis!


23 September 2022

We are saying thank you to two visiting PhD students from Brazil this week who have been with us for a year.

Ramatisa Ladeia Ramos with topic "Single-pass multistage electrodialysis for water desalination"

Camila Raota with topic "Photodegradation of steroid hormones from water using solar light"

It has been an amazing experience to work with you, learning, hard work, incredibly productive and really nice to have you here starting with Team Days II just as the border reopened. We hope to see you soon and as you know – we really don’t want to let you go at all. THANK YOU!


19 September 2022

Congratulations to Dr Minh Nguyen for passing his PhD defense and his thesis entitled ‘Incorporation of carbon-based nanoparticles in ultrafiltration membrane to remove steroid hormone micropollutants’. It has been and will be a pleasure to work with you and in very typical style Minh managed to get his PhD and get married in what felt like the same week. Great scientific discussions that challenged all our knowledge and common assumptions of interfacial chemistry and hydrodynamics in the context of nanofluidics preceded the submission – and delayed it – but it has been extremely stimulating. I am looking forward to more to come and a huge THANK YOU for your contributions to IAMT, most significantly taking care of our IT for so many years and especially in our start-up phase. Welcome to the postdoc office!


26 July 2022


Congratulations to Dr Sheying Li for passing her PhD exam today in electrical engineering ‘Photovoltaic –powered ultrafiltration/reverse osmosis for brackish water desalination: supercapacitor control system’. Prof Bryce Richards was main supervisor and we all learnt a lot in this interdisciplinary work on power control systems. All the best for your future career!

26 July 2022

Congrats to Susan Treasa for the successful presentation of her master thesis under the supervision of Dr Akhil Gopalakrishnan.

25 July 2021

Team VL 22644 International Concepts in Water Treatment (ICWT) 2022 - well done all for a superb learning effort!

Thank you to Mr. Joshua Walter (PFC-Geschäftsstelle, Landratsamt Rastatt, Amt für Umwelt und Gewerbeaufsicht) for the lecture of the Rastatt PFAS Case this year!


7 July 2022


We are very humbled to have been awarded the Undine Award – Category Water Source of Life today in an amazing and memorable ceremony in Bad Vilbel. A very thoughtful concept of the Water awards, a beautiful statue made out of driftwood from Lake Constance (one of our favourite places), a really funny video about our work, cool music, great food, a lot of humour … maybe the most amazing was that it isn’t just an award for past achievements but a forward award, enabling future achievements and those are long overdue. This meant meeting a lot of really fun, positive and connected people. The ultimate compliment is probably when your teenage son - who is permanently embarrassed by his stupid boring parents - comes up to them to take a picture of his parent. Watch this space for progress and become part of it!


THANK YOU Josef Wund Stiftung for this incredible honour and encouragement. We are looking forward to a continuing relationship and achieving water being a source of life for all.



Click here for the video. (© Josef Wund Stiftung)

30 June 2022

Thank you all who attended and supported! It was an incredible event with brilliant trans-disciplinary science, nice networking and many personal encounters and great fun with dancing, castle, night walk and post-conference punting. We'll do it all again in 2025 for those who could not attend this time and expect full house again.
We will post some highlights and follow-on activities such as the nanofiltration special issue on the conference website in due course: click here.

Vanessa Scheid

23 June 2022

Congratulations to Camila Raota for getting the first prize of Falling Walls Lab Heidelberg 2022 with the pitch "Breaking the wall of purifying water using sunlight". So excited for the global final in Berlin on 7 November.

22 May 2022

Thanks to Rhea Verbeke and Abdelhakim El Fadil for hosting Prof. Andrea Iris Schäfer in their latest episode of their podcast Smart water solutions.

Click here for the podcast link.

21 May 2022


The most humourous work day ever - or first class therapy - a day of filming with Christoph Sonntag and Christian Tichy for the Josef Wund Stiftung - comedians and real nice guys at work!

17 May 2022

Congrats to Stephen Asare for the successful presentation of his master thesis under the supervision of Dr Akhil Gopalakrishnan.

17 May 2022

Congrats to Pattabhiramayya Chowdary Edara for the successful presentation of his master thesis under the supervision of Dr Siqi Liu.


10 May 2022

This year we have had to retract two papers following an anonymous correspondence via PubPeer. It has been an exasperating nightmare and the independent commission has now communicated findings. Despite not formally guilty, I have asked myself repeatedly what I did wrong here, one can always check more and better through minute micro supervision, quickly reaching limits of time and self-responsibility of researchers and it simply did not occur to me that anyone would tamper with SEM images. Apologies to the community on my behalf, my decision has been to deal with this matter transparently hoping for other to be more careful rather than inspire ‘copycat’. Hopefully this will bring us one step closer to maintaining academic standards (Click here for the conclusion). It has been a great inspiration that Frances Arnold retracted a paper very publicly shortly after the Nobel.

6 May 2022

Huge congratulations to Dr Yang-Hui Cai for successfully defending his PhD! Incredibly exciting, well published and super organized scientific work on osmotic backwash with the thesis title "Osmotic backwash for fouling control in solar energy-powered nanofiltration/ reverse osmosis membrane systems". On a personal level Yang-Hui was a pleasure to work with and through a super difficult time for our group establishing itself in difficult circumstances he showed persistence, hard work and loyalty. THANK YOU! The consistent message from the team on Friday was ‘we will miss you’ and we wish you a brilliant career and hope to see you back at IAMT on occasion!

31 March 2022


Catalyst for water – removing steroid hormone micropollutants in flow through photocatalytic membrane!

Nice work in collaboration with Agnes Schulze and Kristina Fischer from IOM Leipzig just published in Nature Nanotechnology

Free access:

Story behind the paper:


22 March 2022

On the occasion of World Water Day, we are happy and excited to share that Prof.Dr. Andrea Iris Schäfer and Prof. Dr. Bryce Richards has been awarded the prestigious Undine Award 2022 (category- Life source) instituted by Josef Wund Stiftung gGmbH for their the long-range project "Drinking Water Production with Sun and Membrane".

Prof. Schäfer and Prof. Richards have been dedicated to the treatment of drinking water using newly developed membrane technology and the use of wind and solar energy for more than 20 years. Their plan is to invest the prize money directly in the implementation of their project: The next step is to implement a Living Lab as a long-term study with ten plants in Africa. "I have a dream: clean water for all children," says Prof. Schäfer.

Congratulations to both !

Visit here for more information

Visit here for KIT news

15 March 2022

Congrats to Shahram Shirdast for the successful defense of his masters thesis on electrodialysis of nitrogen compounds and thank you to Ramatisa as well as the TUD collaborators for the supervision.

14 March 2022

We are delighted to receive our first DFG project funding at IAMT being awarded today ‘Solar-powered degradation of trace pollutants in water by novel photocatalytic polymer membranes with active porphyrin surface layer (SOLEMBA)’ with Andrey Turshatov and Bryce Richards from KIT-IMT. This means a 3 year postdoc position will be available shortly!

8 March 2022


We are welcoming our first visiting professor, colleague and friend to IAMT with a traditional German meal: Prof. Francis Momade from KNUST in Ghana. The stay is funded with DFG IIC – SSA Solar energy.

20 December 2021

Merry Christmas and a happy year 2022 from IAMT. We are looking forward to an exciting year 2022. Stay healthy!

7 December 2021

Prof. Harsha Ratnaweera (NMBU, Norway) and Assoc. Prof. Zakhar Maletskyi (NMBU, Norway) visit for IntelMEM project meeting.

1 December 2021


We are welcoming our visiting PhD student to IAMT with a international cooperation project between Germany and Taiwan.

Name: 2021-2022 NSTC-DAAD Project-Based Personnel Exchange Program
Issuer: National Technology and Science Council (NSTC)

30 November 2021

Nature Forum on Decentralized Water Technologies for Point of Consumption presented by Nature Nanotechnology was held online.

Click here to access to the forum.

3 November 2021

Prof Schäfer gives Plenary Lecture at AMSIC 3 (in French!) and offers the gift of the Nanofiltration book to conference Chair Prof Courfia Diawara – possibly this is the first copy of the Nanofiltration book in Africa.


21 October 2021

Congratulations to Dr Youssef Boussouga for getting the EMS travel award take part in Euromembrane2021 conference.

21 October 2021

Congratulations to Dr Youssef Boussouga for getting the EMS travel award take part in AMSIC-3 conference.

1 October 2021

Congratulation to Nurul Faiqotul Himma for her success with a DAAD PhD scholarship.

Scholarship name: Research Grants - Doctoral Programmes in Germany, 2021/22
Issuer: DAAD
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 30.09.2022

1 October 2021

Congratulation to Ramatisa Ladeia Ramos for her success with a DAAD PhD scholarship.

Scholarship name: Research Grants - Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees/Cotutelle, 2021/22
Issuer: DAAD
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 30.09.2022

1 October 2021

Congratulation to Camila Raota for her success with Programa de Doutorado Sanduíche no Exterior (PDSE) scholarship and STIBET scholarship.

Scholarship name: Programa de Doutorado Sanduíche no Exterior (PDSE)
Issuer: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) - Brazil
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 31.03.2022

Scholarship name: STIBET
Issuer: KIT-DAAD
Duration: 01.04.2022 - 30.09.2022

30 September 2021

Congratulation to James Joseph for his success with a KAAD PhD scholarship.

Issuer: KAAD
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 30.04.2024

15 October 2021

Congrats to Kaumudi Pradeep Deshmukh for the successful presentation of her master thesis under the supervision of Yanghui Cai.

27 September - 1 October 2021

Team Days II St Georgenhof: Research methods - Direction and Focus

18 August 2021


The Nanofiltration book has arrived, and looks great after a very long and challenging birth!


29 July 2021

Team VL 22644 International Concepts in Water Treatment (ICWT) 2021 - well done all for performing well in the Corona online teaching & learning effort and what great pleasure to be able to at least have our final workshop in person!

Thank you to Dr. Miriam Weissroth (R&D in Environmental Technology at Wehrle Umwelt GmbH) for the lecture of the membrane application in industry this year!

2 July 2021

Happy 97th birthday to Professor Ora Kedem today! (photo (c) Miriam Balaban June 2021)

29 June 2021

Formal Opening of IAMT with a full day workshop.

Virtual lab tour (acknowledge Kira Heid)

28 June 2021


Men at work – our new continuous electrodialysis system arrives!

2 June 2021


First outing with our new IAMT vehicle to the Kleine Kinzig Talsperre and Menzenschwand to collect water. Looking forward to many field trip adventures!

11 May 2021

Congrats to Timur Okkali for the successful presentation of his masters thesis under the supervision of Dr Youssef Boussouga.

30 March 2021

Congrats to Eléonore Veron for the successful presentation of her masters thesis under the supervision of Shabnam Lotfi.

30 March 2021

Congrats to Salar Fakhraddinfakhriazar for the successful presentation of his masters thesis under the supervision of Dr Alessandra Imbrogno.

3 February 2021

Night at the movies: “Picture a Scientist”.

PICTURE A SCIENTIST is a feature-length documentary film chronicling the groundswell of researchers who are writing a new chapter for women scientist.

December 2020

Merry Christmas and a happy year 2021 from IAMT. It has been a difficult and yet successful first year for IAMT and we are looking forward to an exciting year 2021. Stay healthy!

6-11 December 2020


Team ICOM London online: superb effort this week with 2 keynotes, 4 orals, 5 posters and 2 prizes: thank you all for a full week online conferencing ‘in’ London! We missed the social interactions with international colleagues and drinks at the pub very much… (photo Boussouga).

11 December 2020


Congrats to Dr Alessandra for winning the ICOM best poster presentation award for early career researcher with the title "Micropollutants partitioning in combined magnetic-ion exchange (MIEX) membrane processes for surface water treatment".

11 December 2020


Congratulations to Shabnam Lotfi for winning 2nd prize for poster at ICOM sponsored by Separation and Purification Technology with the title "Photocatalytic degradation of steroid hormone micropollutants by TiO2 coated PES membranes in a continuous flow-through process".

1 December 2020

Congratulations to Dr Youssef Boussouga for his success with getting his DAAD project "Intelligent nanofiltration membrane systems for natural organic matter removal“ funded for collab with Norway!

11 December 2020

Congratulations to Dr Akhil Gopalakrishnan and Prof. Dr. Bryce S. Richards for a DFG collaboration funding success with Ghana "Solar powered zeolite-composite ultrafiltration for fluoride, nitrate and uranium removal from water".

11 December 2020

Congratulations to Dr Chhabilal Regmi, Dr. Andrey Turshatov, and Prof. Dr. Bryce S. Richards for funding of our project “Solar-driven Photocatalytic Membrane Reactors: Cutting-edge Technology for Provision of Clean Drinking Water” (SPheRe) in collaboration with Namibia.

11 December 2020

Congratulations to Dr Jonathan Espíndola and Dr Chhabilal Regmi for getting their DAAD project "Water-Energy Nexus: Cutting-Edge Technology for Emerging Micropollutant Removal“ funded for collaboration with Taiwan.

18 November 2020

Congratulations to Dr Youssef Boussouga for winning a DFG proposal with the project "Internationale Zusammenarbeit "Solarenergiebetriebenes Nanofiltrationssystem für Trinkwasser: Wasser-Energie nexus in Burkina Faso".

3 November 2020

I am relieved that we could complete in the last six months all 4 masters projects without Corona disruption and I wish the new 4 projects that they can complete without delay also. Thank you to students, supervisors and team for the discipline and hanging in there with less than ideal circumstances! All the best for the future in these challenging times.

2 November 2020

Congrats to Mohammad Allouzi for the successful presentation of his masters thesis under the supervision of Dr Alessandra Imbrogno.

2 November 2020

Congrats to Hieu Than for the successful presentation of his masters thesis under the supervision of Dr Youssef Boussouga.

28 October 2020

Congratulations to Quilin Dong for the successful completion of her Masters under the supervision of Yang-Hui Cai.

28 October 2020

Congratulations to James Joseph for successfully defending his Masters under the supervision of Dr Youssef Boussouga and in collaboration with Prof Mihail Barbiou (Institut Europeen des Membranes, University of Montpellier, France).

16 October 2020

Congratulations to Phuong Bich Trinh for winning second prize with her poster “Determination of glyphosate (GLY) and aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) in water by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)” at the 16th Annual Workshop on Emerging High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS) and LC-MS/MS Applications In Environmental Analysis And Food Safety. Thank you to Prof Damia Barcelo (conference chair) as well as our collaborators at Perkin Elmer.

15 October 2020

Congratulations to Yanghui Cai for getting the EMS travel award take part in ICOM online.

7 October 2020

Happy 89th birthday to The Arch who is celebrating, as always, with the annual peace lecture this year life streamed.

10th Annual Desmond Tutu International Peace Lecture:

30 July 2020

Team VL 22644 International Concepts in Water Treatment (ICWT) 2020 - well done all for performing well in the Corona online teaching & learning effort and what great pleasure to be able to at least have our final workshop in person!

Thank you to Professor Hadas Mamane Steindel (Uni Tel Aviv, Israel) for the lecture video in lieu of the industry lecture this year!

10 July 2020

We ended the Team Days on the Achalm where today our Nanofiltration conference would have ended - we are looking forward to welcoming you here in a year!

6 - 10 July 2020

Team Days St Georgenhof: what a great pleasure to get out after months of Corona restrictions and enjoy a week of research skill training and fun!

5 July 2020

Team LC-MS/MS: after a few months of tribulations and a full instrument exchange our new state-of-the-art LC-MS/MS is functional!

26 June 2020

Congratulations to Johan Colella for successfully defending his masters with Veolia Environnement supervised by Philippe Sauvignet (and Profs Heilmaier and Schäfer at KIT)

15 May 2020

We feel privileged that with a significant amount of Corona precautions we have been able to keep IAMT open and functioning almost as per normal. With social distancing, face masks and some home office (mostly because schools are closed) all students and researchers are able to proceed with their projects. Stay safe and healthy!

6 May 2020

Dr. Fader visits for CANDECT project meeting

23 April 2020

Team online teaching SS 2020: VL22644

7 May 2020

Congrats to Oscar Ivan Gutierrez Cardenas for successfully completing his masters!

17 March 2020

The Nanofiltration 2020 Conference has been shifted by one year to 29 June - 2 July 2020 due to the Corona situation. Stay healthy and we are looking forward to meeting you on the Achalm in June 2021!

Nanofiltration 2021 29 June to 2 July:

5 March 2020

Congrats to Malini Bangalore Mohankumar for successfully completing her masters!

6 February 2020

Congrats to Luiza Von Sperling for successfully completing her bachelors!

1 January 2020

With effect of today we are the Institute for Advanced Membrane Technology (IAMT)!

We are looking forward to growing in coming years and work productively towards our vision.

4 December 2019

Congratulations Minh for winning 3rd oral presentation prize at the Green Technologies for Sustainable Water Conference (GTSW) in Ho Chi Minh City. The jury was Prof Damia Barcelo and Dr Eldon Raj, it was a bit of a shock that the honour to award the prize fell on the boss!

1 December 2019

Congrats to Dr Alessandra for her success in Brigitte-Schlieben-Lange-Programm fellowship with duration from December 2019-April 2022

13 September 2019

Congrats to Mehran Aliaskari for successfully completing his masters.

12 -13 September 2019

Dr Laura Richards (Uni Manchester, UK) coming to visit her old PhD supervisors

1 Aug 2019

Team ICWT2019 with record results - well done all for a superb learning effort and thank you Dr Pia Lipp for this year's industry keynote!

30 July 2019

Congrats to Rubén Hervás Martínez for successfully completing his masters.

8 May 2019

Congrats to Hannes Frey for successfully completing his masters.

4 April 2019

Visit of Billy Shapira Head Israel Office of the Helmholtz Association Tel Aviv to IFG-MT - Photo with Oliver Schmidt (INTL, KIT)

29 March 2019

Congratulation to Phuong Bich Trinh for her success with a DAAD PhD scholarship

Scholarship name: Research Grants - Doctoral Programmes in Germany, 2019/20
Issuer: DAAD
Duration: 01.10.2019 - 30.09.2022

26 March 2019

Visit from Qatar: Mr Bahaa Elkaisy enjoys our work in Tanzania. It is an international month!

25 March 2019

Scientific integrity seminar by Prof Heinz Kalt (Physics, KIT)

22 March 2019

Visit of Westafrican universities delegation to KIT

21 March 2019


Lab Opening: Thank you all for a great effort moving in and now we are finally - after celebrating 5 years of IFG-MT on 1 March - ready to research!

13 March 2019


It is with great honour that we welcomed our Vice Principal Research Professor Oliver Kraft as our first visitor to our new labs. Thank you for all the support to make this possible!

13 March 2019

Congratulation to Samuel Bunani for his success with a Humboldt Georg Forster Research Fellowship.

Fellowship name: Georg Forster Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers
Issuer: The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Duration: 01.06.2019 - 31.05.2021

28 February 2019

Congratulation to Shabnam Lotfi for her success with a DAAD PhD scholarship

Scholarship name: Research Grants - Doctoral Programmes in Germany, 2019/20
Issuer: DAAD
Duration: 01.07.2019 - 30.06.2022



23 January 2019


Men at work: The labs are moving! (photo Prantik Samanta)

22 January 2019


The labs are ready and look absolutely stunning - what a great way to start the new year!

7 November

Happy birthday to Marie Curie!

A nice way to celebrate this inspiring woman is to watch 'Marie Curie: The courage of knowledge'. In some ways not so much has changed. My favourite scene is when Albert Einstein discussed science with Marie Curie - he was obviously big enough to engage in an eye level conversation with her, while the 'feeling so threatened by a strong and intelligent women types' fade into the background. May there be more Einsteins (and Curies of course) in this world!

First principle: never to let one's self be beaten down by persons or by events. (Marie Curie)

3 October 2018

Congratulations to Professor Frances Arnold who brought this year's Chemistry Nobel Prize to Engineering! Super news and I had the amazing privilege to attend an inspiring plenary by Prof Arnold at the EuCheMS Meeting in Liverpool 27 Aug. Cool chemical engineering and encouragement for junior scientist for the role being a taxi driver helped navigate research. What an amazing year this seems to be - it feels as if change in the air...

Not sure we'll pull off that suggested collaboration anytime soon though...?!

1 October 2018

Dr. Chhabi Regmi makes the first ever membrane in our team which starts a new era of research for us!



28 September 2018

A third Nobel prize in physics (congratulations to Professor Donna Strickland) and an uproar about a guy saying what many are thinking (and living).
The statement of the scientific community can be found and signed here .

My career started with applied physics. Diversity in physics (or engineering for that matter) remains vastly unachieved with women very regularly overseen, marginalized and pushed out - the stronger and visible women are the worse.

If women were recognized for their achievement in science & engineering we would have 50% distribution of leadership roles. This is clearly not the case. Naturally men will have to learn to share if women were to participate rather than securing near 100% of the share of jobs and recognition. Forward thinking institutions will lead with excellence, while those sticking with old boy rules will be left behind.

Thank you CERN for taking action, may it take us a step forward in achieving equality and may those women living blatant inequality have the strength to continue.

25 September 2018

Welcome to Prof Jiansheng Li and colleagues VP Prof. Xi und Dr. Wang visiting from Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China.

20 September 2018

It is green at the end of the tunnel! Building project progressing to plan thanks to very organized and well managed team.

19 September 2018

Congrats to Phuong Bich Trinh for successfully defending her masters via video conference with Uni Hanoi, Vietnam & INSA Toulouse, France!

10 September 2018

It has been an intense summer of travel and several conferences. A keynote lecture at the EuChemMS Meeting in Liverpool speaking on the stage of Paul McCartney, two days after a Bootleg Beatles Concert, meeting Prof Jan Schippers (photo) who so enthusiastically received my 1998 Desalination paper on organic matter fouling for the same conference in Amsterdam. Hearing Professor David Hasson (Technion, Israel) confess at the EDS conference in Athens that they were in Athens in 1962 also where Sidney Loeb presented cellulose acetate membranes for desalination for the first time and no one believed him that such a thin sheet could take 50 bars. It was the birth of reverse osmosis - visionaries are not always recognized immediately it seems!

3 August 2018

Congrats to Julia Wolters for successfully completing her masters.

1 August 2018

'Richtfest' at Building 352 - thanks to a superb buildings team led by Michael Guhl, we are ahead of schedule. Thank you also to the many colleagues who are helping with extended temporary accommodation.

9 - 13 July 2018

Valencia, Spain: this is our team attending Euromembrane 2018. 5 orals (2 short notice) and 3 posters with all presenters attending their first international conference. Absolutely great performance guys!


6 July 2018

Welcome to Professor Soo Wohn Lee visiting from the Sun Moon University in Korea and enjoying a few German traditions.

18 May 2018

Dr Martin Goller (BMBF) visits to see the new equipment funded under CANCECT. Flow field flow fractionation with Prantik.

16 May 2018

A new electrodialysis system is delivered to an excited team.

24 April 2018

The new building has been 'delivered'.

21 March 2018

The foundation for our new labs is ready after a tough winter.

12 March 2018

After some 20 years of anticipation an LC-OCD system arrives in our (temporary) laboratory.

22 February 2018

Congratulations to Minh Nguyen for his success with a DAAD Sustainable Water Management PhD scholarship.

Scholarship name: Sustainable Water Management: Study Scholarships and Research Grants - Doctorate in Germany
Duration: 1.5.2018 - 30.4.2021

23 November 2017

Yanghui Cai completed his Masters degree on 23 Novemeber 2017 at the Department of Desalination and Water Treatment, Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. He was supervised by Prof. Jack Gilron.

22 November 2017

A flow field flow fractionation device is delivered to our (temporary) lab to characterize particles and particle-membrane interactions.

October 2017

Construction of our new laboratories has begun.

12 October 2017

Congratulations to Prantik Samanta on graduating with a Masters in Water Engineering and Water Management from INSA Toulose, France on 12th October 2017.


September 2017

Funding opportunity for PhD applicants from Brazil, Chile, Iran, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Namibia, Peru, South Africa and Vietnam.

Deadline 31st October 2017

10 August 2017

Dr Markus Kyburz presents his membrane experience to 30 enthusiastic bachelor students at the final workshop of 'International concepts in water treatment' and then listens to 10 student presentations.

22 July 2017

Congratulation to Prantik Samanta for his success with a GRACE PhD scholarship.

Scholarship name: Graduate School for Climate and Environment
Issuer: GRACE
Duration: 15.10.2018 - 14.10.2019


1 June 2017

CANDECT project team visits from IIT Chennai

27 May 2017

Congratulation to Yanghui Cai for his success with a CSC PhD scholarship.

Scholarship name: The State-Funded Postgraduates' Oversea Study Program For High-Level
University Building
Issuer: China Scholarship Council (CSC)
Duration: 1.5.2018 - 30.4.2021


10 May 2017

Prof Ora Kedem who is delivering conference keynote lecture aged 93, and Miriam Balaban, desalination first lady, relentlessly organizing conferences soon to reach her 90s. Thank you!

April 2018 addition: we are wishing Ora a good and full recovery!

25 April 2017

NanoMembrane team presents at the STN Programme Day at KIT.

20 - 21 April 2017

Dr. Beate Bornschein very kindly offers a special scientific writing workshop.

18 April 2017

An inspirational encounter on supramolecular chemistry with Professor Jean-Marie Lehn (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1987) at the YIN Lecture at KIT.

9 March 2017

A thank you for Prof. Volker Saile with a new edition of 'Spuren der Macht' (Traces of power) at the NanoMembrane workshop.