Field work

With our brand new IAMT vehicle, we travel to collect samples while having a closer look at real water.


March-April 2024 - Ghana Field Trip


November 2021 - Gambia Field Trip

A field trip to The Gambia was conducted in November of 2021. The Gambia is dominated by the Gambia River, which impacts all aspects of life in this small West African country. Climate change and rising seas will have imporants impacts on the salinity of this massive river which will effect drinking water sources and waters used for agriculture. Water samples were collected along the length of this river to test for salintity, as well as pollutants.

Click here for more information

2 June 2021 - Field work to Kleine Kinzig Talsperre and Menzenschwand

This exciting field trip to Krunkelbach with our brand new Landrover was a great start. We collected samples from unique spring waters which contains naturally occuring uranium traces. The occurence of uranium is quite rare, with the surrounding area having one of the largest concentrations of known uranium in western Germany.