Undine award 2022

The Undine award 'Lebensquelle' was awared for the first time in 2022 and this movie was made of the winning project for the award ceremony in Bad Vilbel on 7 July. Thank you to Christoph Sonntag and Christian Tichy for being the most amazing and fun camera team and of course Josef Wund.

© Josef Wund Stiftung

Gambia Field Trip 2021

A field trip to The Gambia was conducted in November of 2021. The Gambia is dominated by the Gambia River, which impacts all aspects of life in this small West African country. Climate change and rising seas will have important impacts on the salinity of this massive river which will effect drinking water sources and waters used for agriculture. Water samples were collected along the length of this river to test for salinity, as well as pollutants.

Team days Pfronstetten 2021

Research students spending a week (27 September - 1 October) in St. Georgenhof, Pfronstetten for team building, and learn research skills: Direction and Focus.

Team days Pfronstetten 2020

Research students spending a week (6 - 10 July) in St. Georgenhof, Pfronstetten for team building, and learn research skills.

Field Trip Ngare Nanyuki Tanzania 2014

In Ngare Nanyuki waters of extreme fluoride and organic matter content are a big challenge for water treatment. During a short research field trial treatability of such an extreme water was investigated while the technology was demonstrated to students from a number of surrounding schools. The resulting finding will be published.

Field Trip Mdori Tanzania 2014

Solar powered membrane filtration is advanced state of the art technology. Under certain conditions this is appropriate techology for remote areas where dissolved water contaminants are to be removed - in this case fluoride. This video shows a field trip testing such resarch equipment in the field. Results of this work are being published.

Research retreat Craigower 2010

Research students spending a week in the outdoors of Scotland for team building while taking part in a self managing leadership programme (Oxford Leadership Academy). The question being: What is it I really want?

Research retreat Camas 2009

Research students spending a week in a very special place of Scotland for team building, learn research skills and gain more confidence in risk taking. Camas, a very cool centre running of renewable energies can challenge, and it did. The question being: What does it take to do good research?

Field Trip Ghana Water Sampling 2007

Water quality in Ghana varies significantly and data can be sparse. With aresearch interest in water treatment, an early field trip in 2007 was carried out to get an idea of the nature of contaminants in water supplies. This evaluated the water situation from a number of aspects and data has been published.

Field Trip Australia 2005

In the centre of Australia water is sparse. Signiicant brackish water resources exist but often contain dissolved containants such as arsenic, fluoride, nitrate, uranium - and many more. A newly designed system was tested at a number of different sites across central Australia with the aim to test different membranes and a range of waters. The video summarises an amazing experience for all involved.