Internal speaker seminars

Date & Time




5 December 2024


Laser-induced breakdown detection for the quantification of nanoplastics deposition during nanofiltration

Gabriel Glossner

KIT IAMT Final Master Presentation

15 February 2024


Separation of inorganic and organic nitrogen compounds from water with nanofiltration

Alejandro Villafruela Martínez

KIT IAMT Final Master Presentation

21 December 2023


Degradation of steroid hormone micropollutant in an electrochemical membrane reactor using a poly(ether sulfone) ultrafiltration membrane coated with carbon nanotubes

Mohammed Basith

KIT IAMT Final Master Presentation

14 December 2023


Electrochemical degradation of Perfluorooctanoic acid via Electro-Fenton at neutral pH

Miriam Urbansky

KIT IAMT Final Bachelor Presentation

5 October 2023


Coagulation/flocculation-ultrafiltration optimization in drinking water treatment

Dr. Tyler Malkoske


19 April 2023

14:00 h

Nanofiber composite membrane functionalized with β-cyclodextrin for steroid hormone micropollutants removal

Rebat Karki

KIT IAMT Final Master Presentation

28 November 2022

17:00 h

Sunlight-driven generation of singlet oxygen via membrane-coated organic photosensitizers

Roman Lyubimenko

Membrane Technology Seminar

10 November 2022

11:30 h

Conference Practice Seminar

Dr. Youssef-Amine Boussouga

Dr. Alessandra Imbrogno

Ramatisa Ladeia Ramos

Minh Nhat Nguyen

Phuong Bich Trinh



10 November 2022

10:00 h

Uranium removal with polymer-based activated carbon (PBSAC) assisted nanofiltration

Moritz Rettenmayr

KIT IAMT Final Master Presentation

26 July 2022

14:30 h

Organic matter fractionation by asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation with nanofiltration membranes

Susan Treasa

KIT IAMT Final Masters Presentation

17 May 2022

10:00 h

Organic matter interference in photocatalytic degradation of steroid hormones by TiO2 coated polyethersulphone membranes

Pattabhiramayya Chowdary Edara

KIT IAMT Final Masters Presentation

17 May 2022

9:00 h

Removal of uranium using zeolite in static adsorption and membrane filtration Stephen Asare KIT IAMT Final Masters Presentation

15 March 2022

11:00 h

Electrodialysis for removal and recovery of nitrogen compounds from brackish water

Shahram Shirdast

KIT IAMT Final Masters Presentation

15 October 2021

10:00 h

Bldg 348

Impact of organic matter-membrane interaction on osmotic backwash in batteryless photovoltaic powered nanofiltration/reverse osmosis system during solar irradiance fluctuation

Kaumudi Pradeep Deshmukh

KIT IAMT Final Masters Presentation

16 March 2021

16:00 h

Bldg 348

Impedance spectroscopy

Dr. Siqi Liu

Membrane Technology Seminar

13 January 2021

12:00 h

Photodegradation of steroid hormone micropollutants using metalloporphyrin-coated membranes in a continuous-flow reactor

Roman Lyubimenko

Departmental seminar in the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

07 May 2020

13:00 h

Porphyrin-based photocatalytic membranes for removal of hormone micropollutants

Oscar Ivan Gutierrez Cardenas

KIT IAMT Final Masters Presentation

05 March 2020

14:00 h

Filtration of saline solutions by gamma alumina ultrafiltration membranes - Application to water denitrification and heavy metals removal

Dr. Majda Breida

Membrane Technology Seminar

05 March 2020

13:00 h

Arsenic(III) removal from water by nanofiltration: an emphasis on arsenic-organic matter interactions

Malini Bangalore Mohankumar

KIT IAMT Final Masters Presentation

06 February 2020

14:00 h

Evaluation of estradiol micropollutant breakthrough by nanofiltration in dead end filtration system

Luiza Von Sperling

KIT IAMT Final Bachelors Presentation

06 February 2020

13:00 h

Adsorption of trace steroid micropollutants (MPs) on polymer based spherical activated carbon (PBSAC)

Matteo Tagliavini

Conference Practice Seminar

30 January 2020

15:00 h

The buildup of polyelectrolyte multilayer thin films and their applications in separation and adsorption

Dr. Akhil Gopalakrishnan

Membrane Technology Seminar

30 January 2020

14:00 h

Modified BiVO4: A visible light induced photocatalyst for removal of pollutants  in water

Dr. Chhabilal Regmi

Membrane Technology Seminar

10 September 2019

14:00 h

Impact of operative and water quality parameters on arsenic and nitrate removal from brackish water by electrodialysis

Mehran Aliaskari

KIT IFG-MT Final Masters Presentation

30 July 2019

15:00 h

Synthesis of nanomaterials and its application for Water Treatment

Dr. Alaa Khalil

Membrane Technology Seminar

30 July 2019

14:00 h

Study of the interference of natural organic matter in the removal of steroid hormones by ultrafiltration-nanoparticle composite membranes (UF-SWCNTs)

Rubén Hervás Martínez

KIT IFG-MT Final Masters Presentation

03 July 2019

14:00 h

Micropollutant removal in NF and RO: From principles to new approaches

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andrea Iris Schäfer with contributions of Dr Alessandra Imbrogno

KIT, IFG, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
Head of Membrane Technology Dept. and Professor of Water Process Engineering

12 June 2019

15.00 h

Fluoride removal ​​using nanofiltration in single and binary salt mixtures : characterization and mechanisms

Dr. Youssef-Amine Boussouga

Membrane Technology Seminar

12 June 2019

14.00 h

Renewable energy powered membrane technology:  Impact of solar irradiance fluctuation on direct osmotic backwash process in a brackish water nanofiltration/reverse osmosis desalination system

Yanghui Cai

Conference Practice Seminar

08 May 2019

13.30 h

Removal of arsenic by nanofiltration (NF) membranes: Impact of salt water intrusion and natural organic matter on separation mechanism

Hannes Frey

KIT IFG-MT Final Masters Presentation

17 September 2018

15.00 h

INT Bldg 640

Room 0-241

Immobilization of carbon-based nanoparticles in  ultrafiltration support structure for steroid hormone remova

Phuong Bich Trinh

KIT IFG-MT Final Masters Presentation


17 September 2018

14.00 h

INT Bldg 640

Room 0-241

Simultaneous separation and recovery of boron and lithium from same aqueous solution by using bipolar electrodialysis process

Dr. Samuel Bunani


Membrane Technology Seminar

03 August 2018

09.30 h

INT Bldg 640

Room 0-341

Performance of Activated Carbon Membrane Composites
for Estradiol Removal Simulating Real-Life Conditions

Julia Wolters

KIT IFG-MT Final Masters Presentation

14 June 2018

14.00 h

MZE Bldg. CS

Conference Practice Seminar

Matteo Tagliavini

Minh Nguyen

Patrick Altschuh

Prantik Samanta

Tobias Berger


22 February 2017

11.30 h

Fabrication and characterization of SURGEL based membrane for water purification

Vu Tan Bui

KIT IFG-MT Final Masters Presentation

22 February 2017

11.00 h

Phosphate recovery from wastewater using engineered superparamagnetic particles modified with layered double hydroxide ion exchangers

Dipl.-Ing. Carsten Meyer

University Stuttgart, Germany
Chair of Sanitary Engineering and Water Recycling

08 February 2017

14.30 h

Activated carbon (AC)-assisted membrane filtration of water contaminated by steroids hormones

Matteo Tagliavini

KIT IFG-MT Research Presentation

08 February 2017

14.00 h

Micropollutant removal in nanofiltration

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andrea Iris Schäfer

KIT, IFG, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
Head of Membrane Technology Dept. and Professor of Water Process Engineering

17 January 2017

13.00 h

Seasonal Variation of Organic Matter Characteristics and Fluoride Concentration in the Maji ya Chai River (Tanzania): Impact on Treatability by UF/NF/RO

Dr. Azam Jeihanipour

KIT IFG-MT Research Presentation

17 January 2017

13.30 h

Fluoride retention mechanisms in nanofiltration and reverse osmosis: impact of humic acid, inorganic carbon and speciation

Isaac Owusu-Agyeman

KIT IFG-MT Research Presentation

10 January 2017

14.00 h

Arsenic in Groundwater: Mobility Processes and Treatment Strategies

Dr. Martin Maier

University of Heidelberg, Germany
Institute of Earth Sciences


20 December 2016

10.30 h

Development of particulate systems for drug encapsulation by membrane emulsification

Dr. Alessandra Imbrogno

KIT IFG-MT Research Presentation

20 December 2016

10.00 h

Manufacture, Characterization and Functionalization of Composite Membranes via Parylene Coating of Microporous Membranes for Water Treatment Applications

Anke Steier

KIT IFG-MT Final Masters Presentation

20 June 2016

14.00 h

Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach to Determine Membrane Module Performance with Fluctuating Energy

Max Gaedtke

KIT IFG-MT Final Masters Presentation

20 June 2016

14.30 h

Adsorption of low concentrated hormones on polymer-based spherical activated carbon (PBSAC)

Fabio Engel

KIT IFG-MT Final Masters Presentation

30 June 2015

Polymer based spherical activated carbon (PSSAC)

Dr. Bertram Böhringer

Blücher GmbH, Erkrath, Germany

15 October 2014

13.00 h

Short presentation of Organic Solvent Nanofiltration (OSN) and Nanofiltration Membrane Behaviour

De Ning

Otto-von-Guericke University (OvGU), Magdeburg, Germany
Faculty for Process and Systems Engineering

29 September 2014

11.30 h

Berghof Ultrafiltration Membranes and Applications

Dr. Kimball Roelofs & Dr. Rudolf Graf

Berghof GmbH, Eningen unter Achalm, Germany

22 September 2014

11.00 h

Outlook for the design of hybrid photocatalytic membrane reactors: the integration of polymer membranes for water purification and photocatalysis

Dr. Mahdi Seifollahi Bazarjani

Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany
Institute for Chemistry
Photocatalysis and sustainable feedstock utilization

16 September 2014

9.45 h

Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity: Bridging the gap between Microporous and Poymeric Materials

Muntazim Munir Khan

1 Helmholtz Centre Geesthacht, Geesthacht, Germany
Centre for Membranes and Structured Materials

2 University of Hamburg, Germany

16 September 2014

9.00 h

Development of new environmentally friendly membranes: formulation, elaboration process and structure-properties relations

Jennifer Biscarat

European Membrane Institut, Montpellier, France
Membrane Process Engineering Department