External speaker seminars
All seminars are in Bldg 348.
Date & Time |
Title |
Name |
Affiliation |
Friday December 6 2024 9:00 h |
Electrochemical membrane technology for water and wastewater treatment |
Prof. Kwang-Ho Choo |
Kyungpook National University |
Tuesday November 12 2024 9:00 h |
Workshop: Functional surfaces and materials for transport and separation by membrane materials and processes |
Thursday July 18 2024 9:00 h |
Developing photocatalytic processes for the degradation of water contaminants |
Dr. Arezou Fazli |
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia |
Thursday July 11 2024 10:00 h |
Inorganic pollutants in groundwater as source for drinking and irrigation water |
Dr. Elisabeth Eiche |
Institute of Applied Geosciences, KIT |
Monday 24 June 2024 11:00 h |
Biocatalytic approaches to combat biofouling in membrane systems
Dr. Syed Salman Ali Shah |
Beijing Normal University |
Monday 24 June 2024 9:30 h |
Workshop: Novel membrane materials for water and wastewater treatment |
Tuesday 11 June 2024 10:00 h |
How water reuse and AI can achieve water security and carbon footprint reduction in a rapidly changing climate? |
Prof. How Yong Ng |
National University of Singapore |
Tuesday 28 November 2023 10:00 h |
Ceramic membranes |
Prof. Ingolf Voigt |
Fraunhofer-Institut für Keramische und Systeme IKTS Hermsdorf |
Thursday 21 September 2023 14:00 h |
Polymer-based composite membranes as versatile catalysts for environmental and energy technologies |
Dr. Lukas Fischer |
Universität Duisburg-Essen |
Thursday 20 July 2023 15:00 h |
Ceramic composite membranes for challenging water treatment |
Dr. Jeng Yi Chong |
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
Tuesday 9 May 2023 10:00 h |
Application of Molecular Modeling for Environmental Chemistry |
Dr. Babak Minofar |
University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic |
Thursday 27 April 2023 14:00 h |
Membrane surface modification via soft matter for improving the membrane performance in water treatment |
Dr. Martyna Krajewska |
Poznań University of Technology |
Thursday 2 March 2023 15:00 h |
Introduction to Membrane Science and Technology Research Center at Nanjing Tech University Membrane dispersion intensified reactions for catalyst nanoparticles preparation and organic pollutants degradation |
Assoc. Prof. Ming Zhou |
Nanjing Tech University |
Wednesday 1 March 2023 15:00 h |
Advanced polymer-based separation membranes with tailored barrier and surface properties |
Prof. Mathias Ulbricht |
Universität Duisburg-Essen |
Wednesday 25 January 2023 14:00 h |
FFF-MALS/DLS for size determination of macromolecules |
Dr. Robert Mildner |
Analytical Service, Wyatt technologies |
Tuesday 24 January 2023 15:00 h |
Membrane research in Brazil: Opportunities and challenges |
Prof. René Peter Schneider |
Universidade de São Paulo |
Thursday 12 January 2023 14:00 h |
The history of water supply in Israel |
Prof. Peter Werner |
Technische Universität Dresden |
Monday 28 November 2022 16:00 h |
Spotlights in aqueous chemistry: micro-reactors, spillover, and cage-effect |
Prof. Frank-Dieter Kopinke |
Department of Environmental Engineering, UFZ Leipzig |
Friday 25 November 2022 14:00 h |
Recent progress in carbon-based nanomaterials for photo(eletro)chemical water purification and recovery |
Prof. Ruey-an Doong |
National Tsing Hua University |
Wednesday 6 April 2022 10:00 h Bldg 449 |
Innovative strategies for PFAS adsorption and degradation - how to deal with 'forever chemicals' |
Dr. Anett Georgi |
Department of Environmental Engineering, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH – UFZ |
Tuesday 22 February 2022 9:00 h Bldg 449 |
A brief introduction of electrochemistry |
Prof. David Mandler |
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Friday 10 December 2021 15:00 h Bldg 348 |
From pollutant removal to resource recovery. Relevant wastewater treatment methods for a circular economy |
Assoc. Prof. Zakhar Maletskyi |
Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) |
Tuesday 7 December 2021 15:00 h Bldg 348 |
Digitalisation in the Water Sector |
Prof. Harsha Ratnaweera |
Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) |
Tuesday 27 July 2021 16:00 h Bldg 348 |
Toward a greener membrane fabrication |
Dr. Alberto Figoli |
Institute on Membrane Technology, ITM-CNR, Italy |
Wednesday 21 July 2021 16:00 h Bldg 348 |
Sustainable Design and Manufacturing of Nano-Enabled Membranes and Adsorbents |
Prof. Nirupam Aich |
University at Buffalo, New York, USA |
Wednesday 14 July 2021 16:00 h Bldg 348 |
Development and Application of Novel Materials for Water Decontamination: research projects and opportunities for collaboration |
Prof. Marcelo Giovanela |
University of Caxias do Sul, Brazil |
Tuesday 6 July 2021 16:00 h Bldg 348 |
Our experience in electromembrane processes |
Prof. Marian Turek |
Silesian University of Technology, Poland |
Tuesday 22 June 2021 10:00 h Bldg 348 |
Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy and Electrodialysis |
Prof. John Kavanagh |
The University of Sydney, Australia |
Wednesday 16 June 2021 16:00 h Bldg 348 |
Laser modification membranes |
Dr. Christopher Arnusch |
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel |
Tuesday 8 June 2021 16:00 h Bldg 348 |
How well can we design an Electrochemical Membrane |
Prof. Daniel Mandler |
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel |
Tuesday 8 June 2021 10:00 h Bldg 348 |
Recovery of organic matter from municipal wastewater by using membranes |
Prof. Katsuki Kimura |
Hokkaido University, Japan |
Tuesday 1 June 2021 16:00 h Bldg 348 |
Carbon nanoparticles membranes | Prof. David Jassby | University of California, Samueli School of Engineering, USA |
Tuesday 25 May 2021 14:00 h Bldg 348 |
Bio-inspired micro/nano pores and channels |
Prof. Xu Hou |
Xiamen University, China |
Thursday 20 May 2021 16:00 h Bldg 348 |
Membrane structure properties, relationships and models | Prof. Guy Ramon | Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel |
Tuesday 11 May 2021 16:00 h Bldg 348 |
Enzyme membrane reactors and their unpaired selectivity: from biochemicals production to bioremediation |
Dr. Lidietta Giorno |
Institute on Membrane Technology, ITM-CNR, Italy |
Tuesday 4 May 2021 16:00 h Bldg 348 |
Functional Materials by Polyelectrolyte Self-Assembly |
Prof. Monika Schönhoff |
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany |
Thursday 8 April 2021 16:00 h Bldg 348 |
Molecular insights into interfacial chemistry in natural and engineered systems
Dr. Sharon Bone
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA
Thursday 8 April 2021 16:00 h Bldg 348 |
Understanding Energy Materials by Bathing Model Systems in X-rays |
Prof. Hans-Georg Steinrück |
Paderborn University, Germany |
Monday 22 March 2021 16:00 h Bldg 449 |
Ion and water transport through CNT membranes |
Dr. Francesco Fornasiero |
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA |
Wednesday 17 February 2021 16:00 h Bldg 348 |
Molecular modelling for environmental applications |
Dr. Babak Minofar |
University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic |
Monday 03 August 2020 14:00 h IAI Bldg 449 Room 140 |
Evaluating treatment efficacy of constructed wetlands by using analytical analysis and effect-based methods |
Nadine Sossalla |
PhD candidate, Umweltforschungszentrum (UFZ) Leipzig |
Friday 26 June 2020 15:30 h |
Performance of a potabilization process on colored surface waters using membranes in real-life conditions (Veolia Environnement) |
Johan Colella |
Final Masters Presentation |
Wednesday 22 January 2020 14:00 h |
3D Analysis of complex hybrid materials with FIB/SEM and HIM |
Dr. Claus Burkhardt |
NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute, University of Tübingen, Germany |
Monday 28 October 2019 14:00 h |
Inside Nature Nanotechnology – an editor’s view. |
Dr. Fabio Pulizzi |
Chief Editor, Nature Nanotechnology |
Friday 13 September 2019 11:00 h |
Arsenic in South/Southeast Asia: Geochemical Controls, Remediation Frameworks and Opportunities for Collaboration |
Dr. Laura Richards |
Research Fellow School of Earth and Environmental Sciences The University of Manchester, UK |
Wednesday 7 August 2019 14:00 h |
Superhydrophobic and superoleophobic surfaces: from structure control to functional applications |
Dr. Zheqin Dong |
Institut für Toxikologie und Genetik (ITG), KIT, Germany |
Tuesday 9 July 2019 11:00 h |
Micropollutant removal in Swiss wastewater treatment plants |
Prof. Thomas Wintgens |
Hochschule für Life Sciences FHNW, Switzerland & RWTH Aachen, Germany |
Tuesday 2 July 2019 11:00 h |
Interdisciplinary aspects of water reuse and applications of nanotechnology in water treatment |
Dr. Anita Etale |
Global Change and Sustainability Research Institute University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa |
Thursday 27 June 2019 14:30 h |
High flux hydrate gel filtration for applications in water purification (and food & microbial biotechnology) |
Prof. Peer Schenk |
University of Queensland, Australia |
Monday 25 March 2019 10-11:30 h |
Scientific Integrity | Prof. Heinz Kalt | KIT Ombutsman |
25 September 2018 16:30 h INT Bldg 640 Room 0-241 |
Porous Nanomaterials for Micropollutants Removal
Prof. Jiansheng Li |
Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China |
03 August 2018 08:30 h INT Bldg 640 Room 0-341 |
Große, kleine und sehr kleine Partikel – Über ihre Erzeugung und Anwendung |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kind |
Institut für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik (KIT) |
26 July 2018 09:30 h |
Water Treatment Plant Engineering and Construction - A Challenging Business |
Michael Wunsch |
Head of R&D Hager and Elsässer, H+E GmbH, Stuttgart |
06 July 2018 14.30 h INT Bldg 640 Room 0-241 |
Modified α-NiMoO4 photocatalyst for dyes/drugs degradation and antibacterial application |
Prof. Soo Wohn Lee | Department of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Sun Moon University, Korea |
04 December 2017 11.00 h INT Bldg. 640 Room 0-241 |
Role of nanoparticle formation in the environmental behavior of actinides | Prof. Dr. Horst Geckeis & Dr. Muriel Bouby | Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal (INE), KIT |
04 December 2017 10.30 h INT Bldg. 640 Room 0-241 |
Field Flow Fractionation online with ICP-MS for the determination of particulate elemental-species in environmental water samples and soil extracts | Prof. Dr. Volker Nischwitz | FZ Jülich, Germany |
04 December 2017 10.00 h INT Bldg. 640 Room 0-241 |
Natural nanoparticles and fine colloids in soils and stream waters and their role as Phosphorus carriers |
Prof. Dr. Erwin Klumpp |
FZ Jülich, Germany |
16 October 2017 15.00 h INT Bldg. 640 Room 0-241 |
Application of Laser-induced breakdown detection (LIBD) for the detection of particle retention by ultrafiltration | Dr. Pia Lipp | Technologiezentrum Wasser, Abteilung Technologie & Wirtschaftlichkeit |
29 June 2017 14.30 h INT Bldg. 640 Meeting-room 0-341 |
Exploring charge balanced polyampholyte hydrogels as a non-fouling coating for polymeric membranes
Dr. Roy Bernstein |
Department of Desalination and Water Treatment Zuckerberg Institute of Water Research Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel |
22 June 2017 14.00 h ITAS Karlstr. 11, Karlsruhe |
Nanotechnology for mine drainage treatment: A multidisciplinary approach
Dr. Anita Etale
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
31 May 2017 15.00 h IBG Bldg. 601 Room 427 |
Affordable clean water using advanced materials
Prof. Dr. Thalappil Pradeep
Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Chennai), Chennai, India
04 April 2017 14.15 h IFG Bldg. 330 Seminar-Room 330-356 |
Knowledge-based catalyst design and operando spectroscopy: Case studies from oxidation and exhaust gas catalysis |
Prof. Dr. Jan-Dierk Grundwaldt |
Institute for Technical Chemistry and Polymer Chemistry (ITCP) Institute of Catalysis Research and Technology (IKFT) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
1 March 2017 14.00 h INT Bldg. 640 Seminar Room 0-241 |
Membrane fouling studied at the micro-scale: Theory and experiments |
A/Prof. Dr. Guy Z. Ramon |
Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, Water & Energy Technologies Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering |
24 January 2017 17.30 h CS Bldg. 40.32 Rudolf-Plank-Hörsaal |
Fakultätskolloqium: Gas solubility and permeability in glassy polymeric membranes: experimental trends and predictive tools |
Prof. Dr. Giulio Sarti |
University of Bologna, Italy |
30 November 2016 14.00 h INT Bldg. 640 |
Ultrafiltration: Products, applications, research and development |
Dr. Peter Berg |
BASF INGE, Greifenberg, Germany |
25 October 2016 17.30 h CS Bldg. 40.32 Rudolf-Plank-Hörsaal |
Fakultätskolloqium: Ionic transport and ionic interactions: Molecular processes in polymer electrolytes and in polyelectrolyte self-assembly |
Prof. Dr. Monika Schönhoff |
University of Münster |
28 July 2016 14.00 h INT Bldg. 640 |
Macromolecules and Membrane Fouling: Mechanisms of Adsorption and Routes to Fouling Prevention |
A/Prof. Dr. Alberto Tiraferri |
Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy |
17 June 2016 14.00 h INT Bldg. 640 |
Prospects for Cyclodextrins and their Derivatives in water decontamination |
Prof. Dr. Bhekie Mamba |
University of South Africa, Johannesburg (UNISA) |
10 May 2016 14.00 h IFG Bldg. 330 |
Application of LC-OCD-OND for analysis of NOM in natural, waste and marine waters |
Dr. Stefan Huber |
2 May 2016 14.00 h INT Bldg. 640 |
Advanced engineering model of nanofiltration (NF) in multi-ion solutions, what experimental input is needed and how this can be obtained? |
Prof. Dr. Andriy Yaroshchuk |
Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain |
7 March 2016 11 h INT Bldg. 640 |
Affluence from Effluents: phosphorus mining and energy recovery from wastewater |
Prof. Dr. Long Nghiem |
The University of Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia |
25 November 2015 14.00 h
Tailoring membrane polymers. Application to bio-fuels purification or recovery by a sustainable membrane process |
Prof. Dr. Anne Jonquières |
Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France |
24 November 2015 11.00 h INT Bldg. 640 Seminar Room 0-341 |
Cluster-composite nanofibre materials for the application in water treatment and sensing |
Prof. Dr. Thalappil Pradeep |
Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Chennai), Chennai, India |
10 November 2015 13.30 h INT Bldg. 640 Seminar Room 0-341 |
Flow-Enhancement Scaling for Understanding of Fast Mass Transport under Nanoconfinements |
Prof. Dr. Park Hyung Gyu |
ETH Zurich, Switzerland Adjunct Researcher, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (eawag) |
22 September 2015 11 h IBG Bldg. 601 |
What drives hydrophobic polymer collapse and re-entry transitions in miscible good solvents? |
Prof. Dr. Nico van der Vegt |
Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany |
30 July 2015 10.30 h |
Flow at the fluid-solid interface - current insight into a question debated for centuries |
Dr. Clarissa Schönecker |
Max-Planck-Institute for Polymere Research, Mainz, Germany |
16 July 2015 14.00 h IBG Bldg. 601 Room B351 |
Multi-Functional Membranes for Advanced Separations |
Prof. Dr. Ranil Wickramasinghe
University of Arkansas, USA |
15 July 2015 14.00 h IBG Bldg. 601 Room B351 |
Membrane Modification Using Electron Beam Technology |
Dr. Agnes Schulze |
Leibniz Institute of Surface Modification (IOM), Leipzig, Germany |
30 March 2015 10.00 h |
Supercritical fluid based design of functional nanostructured materials |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Türk |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany |
23 March 2015 15.00 h |
Formation of Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes in Flat and Hollow Fibre Geometries |
Prof. Dr. Volker Abetz |
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany, |
2 December 2014 13.00 h IMT Bldg. 301 Seminar Room |
The zeta potential of solid surfaces - theory and practice |
Dr. Thomas Luxbacher |
Anton Paar GmbH, Graz, Austria |
10 October 2014 14.00 h |
Controlling UF membrane fouling in drinking water treatment: influence of nano particles and bacteria activity |
Dr. Wenzheng Yu |
1 Imperial College London, UK 2 Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China |
19 September 2014 11.30 h |
Polyamide membranes: (mostly) questions and (some) answers |
A/Prof. Dr. Slava Freger |
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel |
15 September 2014 11.30 h |
Use of ceramic membranes for drinking water treatment |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Panglisch |
University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany |