Phuong Phuong

B.Sc. Moritz Rettenmayr

  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
    Institute for Advanced Membrane Technology
    Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
    76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

As water is a main source of life it is important to keep factory and mining side effluents as clean as possible. Many places lack in regards to access to safely potable water while with only little effort the water could be made sanitary and safe to drink. If my contribution to understanding the membrane process could help in some regard that would already be enough.




Since 2022

Masterthesis at IAMT, KIT


HIWI for the build up of a mobile Membrane system at IAMT





Since 2020

Master of Chemical- and Process Engineering at KIT


Bachelor of Chemical- and Process-Engineering at KIT



Research Projects


Uranium removal by combined nanofiltration and activated carbon (NF/PBSAC)